Apache DSO

The ability to write Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) for the apache webserver is one of the outstanding features of the Kylix Server Version.
The first steps might be a bit tough for those coming from Windows. First the apache server has to be recompiled to support the DSO. This information is spread over several files.


a new apache

be root in the Console F1 now, and follow the instructions in Apache_dso.txt with CtrlAlt F7 that was it so far. You have a new apache in /usr/local/apache now.
This might mean you have a second. I at least happen to have a second. The first being
found under /usr/local/httpd/ - at least the pages. Stop the first with rcapache stop.
It might be a good idea to remove its autostart with YAST.
Anyway, the new one is started as
cd /usr/local/apache/bin/        - go there as root
./apachectl start                - start
./apachectl stop                 - stop
I'd assume that only one apache can run at the time. Either the original or the new.

setting Apache up

Follow the instructions in the Readme.txt as mentioned above.

my kylix

last updated: 16.may.01

Copyright (99,2001) Ing.Büro R.Tschaggelar